About Me
李和莆(Wen-Pin Hope Lee),臺灣著名作曲家,出生於臺中市,於2006年榮獲行政院新聞局舉辦第十七屆金曲獎傳統暨藝術音樂作品類最佳作曲人獎殊榮,2007年再度以《水鬼城隍爺-艋舺過水霞海城隍-數位音樂劇場-五幕舞劇》入圍第十八屆金曲獎傳統暨藝術音樂作品類最佳專輯製作人獎。2013與財團法人中央廣播電台合作的「幸福進行曲」拿下第48屆廣播金鐘獎。 李和莆自幼學習鋼琴,由賴秋鏡老師啟蒙;十七歲時由林進祐教授啟蒙理論與作曲課程。隨後進入國立臺灣師範大學音樂系,先後隨曾興魁、陳茂萱及陳樹熙等教授學習。1993年負笈美國麻州波士頓大學繼續攻讀作曲及音樂理論,隨美國即興音樂創作前鋒盧卡斯·佛斯(Lukas Foss, b. 1922 ― 2009)、希臘現代音樂之父提歐多爾·安東尼奧(Theodore Antoniou, b. 1935 ― 2019 )以及波士頓大學音樂系作曲組主任馬傑里·瑪利曼(Marjorie Merryman, b. 1951 ― )等大師學習,於1999年1月取得音樂藝術博士學位(DMA)。2013獲選為美國波士頓大學維基百科網站(BU WIKI-Humanities, music, and art)唯一臺灣知名校友(Notable Alumni) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boston_University_College_of_Fine_Arts 現為國立臺灣師範大學音樂系終身免評鑑專任教授。專長領域:作曲、數位創作藝術、電腦音樂與音樂理論,亦積極參與結合影像互動的數位跨領域藝術創作。創作涵蓋各類型古典獨唱(奏)、室內樂、管絃樂、舞劇及音樂劇場。近年更在音樂劇、流行音樂與各類型配樂有大量作品出產,成為國內跨界音樂創作的重要作曲家之一。2021李和莆與清大范建得及師大黃冠寰兩位教授創立安信達國際智權顧問股份有限公司(Inciting International Intellectual Property Company)為共同創辦人。現積極投入區塊鏈(Blockchain)科技智權的管理與保護。2021年11月發行個人NFT《隧道之歌-臺北印象》破百萬元結標,開啟亞洲古典音樂與NFT結合的元宇宙。【新聞連結https://reurl.cc/26kKqr】2022年9月第一首流行歌曲《無可奈何》(詞曲創作)【https://reurl.cc/G5RNkD】,2023年發表第二首流行歌曲《降落》全世界數位發行上架【https://reurl.cc/xpjNqV】。2024年基於區塊鏈的創作與智財權平台【BUZZHOOD】【https://www.buzzhoodcreator.com/】正式上線營運。
In 2006, Wen-Pin Hope Lee won the 17th Golden Melody Award for “The Best Composer for Traditional and Artistic Music.” The recording of his theater dance of five acts, Hsiahai City God through Water of Mengjia, has also won him a nomination for “The Best Album Producer for Traditional and Artistic Music” for the 18th Golden Melody Award in 2007.
Lee’s first encounter with music came through his private piano teacher Chiu-chin Lai (賴秋鏡). At the age of 17, Lee started classes on music theory and composition with Prof. Chin-yow Lin (林進祐). He finished his BA in the Department of Music at National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU), where he studied with Prof. Shing-kwei Tzeng (曾興魁), Prof. Mao-shuen Chen (陳茂萱), and Prof. Shu-shi Chen (陳樹熙). Lee continued his studies of composition and music theory at Boston University with Lukas Foss (1922-2009), the American pioneer of improvised music, Theodore Antoniou (1935- ), the father of Greek modern music, and Marjorie Merryman (1951- ), then the chairperson of the doctorate program of composition at Boston University. Lee received his doctorate of musical arts (D.M.A.) in January, 1999. In 2013, Lee had become the only Taiwanese among the notable alumni of Boston University under its entry on Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boston_University_College_of_Fine_Arts
Lee now teaches at his alma mater, National Taiwan Normal University, as a professor of Lifetime Evaluation Exemption. Lee’s specialty includes, but is not limited to, composition, digital creative arts, computer music, symphonies, and dance drama.
Lee’s works consist of a variety of solo music, chamber music, symphonies, theater dance, film scoring and popular music. In recent years, Lee has been active in cross-disciplinary art, combining interactive images with all kinds of theatrical productions of dances, drama, and musicals. Lee has also written a great number of works in musical, popular music, and commercial scoring, establishing himself as one of the most important composers of crossover music in Taiwan. In 2021, Wen-Pin Hope Lee, Chien-Te, Fan (Naional Tsing Hua University Professor)
and Gwan-Hwan Hwang (National Taiwan Normal University Professor) founded
Inciting International Intellectual Property Company, The company actively focuses on the management and protection of intellectual property rights in Blockchain technology. In November 2021, they created a personal NFT titled "Song of the Tunnel – Taipei Impressions," which reached over a million NTD in bidding, marking the beginning of the integration of Asian classical music and NFTs in the metaverse. Check the link below for more information【 https://reurl.cc/26kKqr】. 2024【BUZZHOOD】Intellectual property management platform officially launched online. In September 2022, the first popular song "No way out" (composition of lyrics and music)【https://reurl.cc/G5RNkD】 and the second popular song "Landing" (2023)【https://reurl.cc/xpjNqV】 were released and released digitally around the world.
行政院公共工程委員會 | 評審委員 | 2010~ 迄今
國家文化藝術基金會 | 音樂類補助審查委員 | 2021~ 迄今
行政院文化建設委員會徵選創作入選(獨唱歌曲-夢土上、旅人的夢)| 1991
美國波士頓大學音樂系創作徵選優勝 | 1996
第十七屆【金曲獎】-『傳統暨藝術音樂作品類-最佳作曲人獎』 | 2006
第48屆廣播金鐘獎最佳音樂-財團法人中央廣播電台合作【幸福進行曲】 | 2013-07