管絃樂/交響樂 Orchestra & Symphony
江城子 Chiang-Cheng Tze | 1992
黃昏老鎮 An Old Town at Dusk | 1993
小交響曲 Sinfonietta | 1999
12首管絃樂小品 Twelve Orchestral Essays | 1999
動物狂想曲 The Animal Rhapsody | 2000
一個偉大宗教家的回憶 Memory of a Great Patriarch | 2003
形形色色 Theme and Variations for Orchestra | 2005
風動 群起-台灣民間傳說英雄 All Rise with the Wind: Three Heroes of Taiwanese Folklores| 2005
客謠風情 台灣系列-管絃樂篇 三首源自高雄縣境內流傳的客家曲調 The Flavor of Hakka Folk Tunes The Series of Taiwan, Orchestral Music
Three Hakka Folk Tunes Originally Circulated in Kaohsiung County | 2007
我們的鄉 我的家 台灣系列-鹿港八景 My Hometown in Our Homeland Eight Scenes of Lu Gang, The Series of Taiwan: Orchestral Music| 2008
台北小巨蛋臺北聽障奧林匹克運動會開幕式 - 財團法人二〇〇九年臺北聽障奧林匹克運動會籌備委員會基金會委託創作
01-聽障奧運進行曲 福爾摩沙進行曲 台灣車鼓陣 01- March for the 2009 Deaflympics: Formosa March | 2009
02-聽障奧運進行曲 Taiwan Naruwan 02-March for the 2009 Deaflympics: Taiwan Naruwan | 2009
03-聽障奧運進行曲 威 03-March for the 2009 Deaflympics: Might | 2009
04-聽障奧運進行曲 照亮生命 04-March of the 2009 Deaflympics:Lighting up the Life | 2009
05-聽障奧運進行曲 夢想起飛 05-March of Deaflympics:Dreams Taking Off! | 2009
台灣高山自然經典系列 台灣高見 專題創作展 The Classical Series on Nature: Taiwanese Mountains Summit Images of Taiwan | 2011
台灣四季 為管絃樂團 台灣系列 Four Seasons in Taiwan , The Series of Taiwan: Orchestral Music | 2012
陽光˙臺北都市傳說 Sun Taipei˙Taipei City Legend | 2012
南瀛傳說 安平南都(國樂團)Legends from the South Seas: The Southern City of Anping|2019
國立臺灣師範大學 97周年慶 專題創作展 大學慶典序曲 師大大師 交響綺想 女高音 次女高音 男高音 男中音 混聲合唱團/交響樂團
NTNU Master: Symphonic Capriccio Academic Festival Overture for Soprano, Mezzo, Tenor, Baritone, Mixed Choir, and Orchestra |2019
舞劇/ 戲劇配樂 Dance & Incidental Music
風動 群起-台灣系列 管絃樂篇 All Rise with the Wind ”The Series of Taiwan: Orchestral Music | 2005
盲神來囉!【2005年化踴舞輯委託創作】The Ghost Comes! | 2005
水鬼城隍爺 艋舺過水霞海城隍 Water Ghost, Patron God of Hsiahai City through the Waters of Mengjia | 2006
台灣民間傳奇 音樂劇場系列 白賊七仔傳奇 The Series of Taiwanese Folklores: Musical Theater The Legend of the Fibber | 2008
喧騰一時-為中西打擊樂團與影像互動的虛擬音樂劇場【連雅文打擊樂團委託創作】Hour of Boisterousness Image-Interactive Virtual Musical Theater For Chinese and Western Percussion | 2008
台灣倪仔歌系列 聲東擊西 影像互動虛擬音樂劇場-為人聲、預製鋼琴(含擴音與效果器)與打擊樂四重奏 Taiwanese Nursery Rhyme Series
Feint-and-Parry Misdirect Image-Interactive Virtual Musical Theater For Vocal, Prepared Piano with Amplified Effect and Percussion Quartet | 2009
驚奇之旅- 俄羅斯馬戲團 Marvel| 2011
客風.漂鳥之歌 The Drifting Fate of Hakka | 2015
客風‧廢墟後生仔 Marginal Life in Dark Side | 2019
協奏曲 Concerto
九腔十八調 台灣系列-管絃樂篇 為小提琴獨奏與管絃樂團的協奏曲(源自六首客家民謠)Tunes from Various Regions of Hakka in Taiwan The Series of Taiwan: Orchestral Music Concerto for Violin Solo and Orchestra (Inspired by Six Hakka Folk Tunes) | 2008
除了我,就是這個世界 中提琴協奏曲 臺灣系列-管絃樂 That’s the World but Me Concerto for Viola and Orchestra Taiwan Series of Orchestral Music | 2017
室內樂 Chamber Music
民謠風的素描 A Sketch of Folk Songs | 1994
自放吟 Self-Singing Aloud | 1995
第一號絃樂四重奏 String Quartet No.1 | 1995
12首為兒童的小品 12 Short Essays for kids | 1999
帕薩喀亞舞曲 The X'mas Carnival Passacaglia | 2000
第一號小提琴奏鳴曲 Sonata No. 1 for Violin and Piano | 2000
六首童謠風小品 Six Nursery Rhymes | 2000
暗夜-絃樂八重奏 The Dead of the Night: Octet for Strings | 2002
形形色色 為八部大提琴的主題與變奏 Theme & Variations on an Original Theme for Violoncello Octet / Violoncello Orchestra | 2002
六月田水 為小提琴獨奏與絃樂團與鋼琴 The Water Field of June-For Violin Solo and Stings and the Piano | 2004
六月田水 六首福佬系民謠 The Water Field of June: Six Folk Tunes of Fu-Lao | 2004
浮生記趣 Episodes from My Childhood | 2004
台灣是寶島-大提琴四重奏 Taiwan is Ilha Formosa Cello Quartet | 2005
北港三景三首 為小提琴與大提琴二重奏的福佬系民謠-題獻給陳茂萱教授 Three Scenes of the Pei-Gang :Three Fu-Lao Folk Tunes for Violin and Violoncello-Dedicated to Mao-Shuen CHEN| 2005
六月田水 六首福佬系民謠-獻給陳雅莉 Water of the Field in June Six Fu-Lao Folk Tunes, dedicated to Li Ya Chen | 2005
六月田水 六首為琵琶獨奏與絃樂團福佬系民謠 Water of the Field in June-Six Fu-Lao Folk Tunes for Solo Pi-Pa and Strings | 2006
六月田水 為小提琴獨奏與鋼琴五重奏 Water of the Field in June Six Fu-Lao Folk Tunes for Solo Violin and Piano Quintet | 2006
六月田水 為鋼琴五重奏 Water of the Field in June-Six Fu-Lao Folk Tunes for Piano Quintet | 2006
第二號小提琴奏鳴曲-綺想曲三篇 Sonata No. 2 for Violin and Piano-Three Capriccios | 2006
六月田水 六首為絃樂四重奏的福佬系民謠 Water of the Field in June-Six Fu-Lao Folk Tunes for String Quartet | 2006
台灣是寶島 六首為絃樂四重奏的福佬系民謠 Taiwan is a Formosa Six Fu-Lao Folk Tunes for String Quartet | 2006
台灣是寶島 六首為鋼琴五重奏的福佬系民謠 Taiwan is a Formosa-Six Fu-Lao Folk Tunes for Piano Quintet | 2006
台灣地方小調 六首為大提琴二重奏的福佬系民謠 Six Regional Tunes from around Taiwan: Six Fu-Lao Folk Tunes for Violoncello Duet | 2007
九腔十八調 六首為單簧管、小提琴、大提琴與鋼琴四重奏的客家民謠 Tunes from various regions of Hakka in Taiwan-Six Hakka Folk Tunes for Quartet-Clarinet, Violin, Violoncello and Piano | 2007
六首源自台灣原住民的敘事曲 為雙小提琴與鋼琴台灣系列-室內樂篇 Six Ballads from Taiwanese Aborigines For Two Violins and Piano Chamber Music of Taiwan Series | 2009
第三號小提琴奏鳴曲 三首源自台灣原住民的敘事曲 Sonata No. 3 for Violin and Piano Three Ballads from Taiwanese Aborigines | 2009
福爾摩沙映象 三首為小提琴、中提琴與鋼琴音樂會小品 第一篇、舞-原住民 第二篇、歌-客家山歌 第三篇、祭-車鼓調
Sonata No. 3 for Violin and Piano Three Ballads from Taiwanese Aborigines | 2009
六首源自臺灣原住民的敘事曲 為絃樂團 Six Ballads from Taiwanese Aborigines For String Orchestra | 2011
兒時記趣 為單簧管與鋼琴 A Series of Miniature from My Childhood Duet for Clarinet and Piano | 2012
品仔歕大戲phín á pûn tuā hì為長笛與鋼琴【陣頭-細曲-粉墨登場】Grand Play (tuā hì) Played on the Flute (phín á), the Taiwanese Transverse Flute From Traditional Taiwanese Theatraical Music of Beiguan. For Flute and Piano Tīn-thâu (Folk Troupe); Sè khik (Refined Songs); A Dazzling Entrance onto the Stage | 2012
弦仔搬大戲hiân á pûann tuā hì -源自臺灣北管戲曲Grand Play (tuā hì) Played on (hiân á), the Taiwanese Transverse String Originated from Traditional Taiwan Theatrical Beiguan Music For Viola and Piano Tīn-thâu (Folk Troupe) –Sè khik (Refined Songs) – A Dazzling Entrance onto the Stage | 2015
月下獨酌 靈感-源自李白 為長笛獨奏 Drinking alone with the moon-inspired from Li Bai for Flute Solo | 2015
閃亮 傳說 為木管五重奏 Legend of Goldenwoodwind | 2017
光影的城堡 鋼琴五重奏 A Castle Between Light and Shadow for Piano Quintet | 2017
一唱一和 tsit tshiàng tsit ha̍h-源自臺灣的歌 為小提琴與中提琴二重奏的6首歌曲Chanting, Enchanted Six Melodies from Taiwanese Songs for Violin and Viola | 2017
原音再現 無懈可擊 為長笛 敲擊與絃樂團 Indigenous and Unbeatable : for Flute, Cajon, and String Orchestra | 2017
杵歌 原聲 傳說第一號大提琴奏鳴曲 Pestles: Tribal Fables Sonata No. 1 for Violoncello and Piano | 2018
鋼琴曲 Piano
六首鋼琴小品 Six Piano Pieces | 1993
動物狂想曲 十二段為青少年的鋼琴小曲The Animal Rhapsody Twelve Short Essays for Young Pianists | 1997
幻覺三篇-鋼琴獨奏曲 Three Chapters of Illusion: For Piano Solo | 1999
浮生記趣 系列一 五首為鋼琴獨奏小品 Episodes from my Childhood: Five Pieces for Piano Solo | 1999
第一號小奏鳴曲 Sonatina No. 1| 2001
青春少年十二首彈奏鋼琴的風格小品Twelve Playful Piano Pieces for Teenager Pianist | 2004
前奏曲三篇 Three Preludes for Piano Solo | 2004
浮生記趣 系列二 三首為鋼琴獨奏小品 My Memory of Childhood, Series II Three Pieces for Piano Solo | 2006
台灣是寶島-六首為鋼琴四手聯彈的福佬系民謠 Taiwan is a Formosa-Six Fu-Lao Folk Tunes for Piano Four Hands | 2006
福爾摩沙映像台灣系列 三首為音樂會的鋼琴獨奏曲Formosa Image: The Series of Taiwan: Chamber Music. Three Concert Pieces for Piano Solo | 2007
福爾摩沙映象 台灣系列
第十二篇、福爾摩沙- 十二月美麗島台灣
Formosa Image
The Series of Taiwan: Chamber Music-12 Preludes for Piano Solo
Prelude No.1 Kavalan: Heavenly Lanterns in Pingxi Lantern Festival in January, twinkling stars dotting dark sky
Prelude No. 2 Kelang: Keelung Seaport Early spring in Februaryt, mellow lights shimmering in the City of Rain
Prelude No. 3 Puyuma: The Orchid Island, Taitung Late spring in March, the Tao celebrating the Flying Fish Festival
Prelude No. 4 Banxian: Lugang Tianhou Temple Mazu worship in April, peace and harmony sought and granted
Prelude No. 5 Miaoli: Nanchuang Snowflakes in May, Tung blossoms veiling mountain valleys
Prelude No. 6 Mankah: Longshan Temple The Patron God of the City worshiped in June. praying for divine blessings with awe and piety
Prelude No. 7 Tungshih: Guguan Early summer in July, butterflies flitting around valley floors
Prelude No. 8 Huilan: East Rift Valley Torrid summer in August, the Amis rejoicing at Harvest Festival
Prelude No. 9 The Prefecture City: Eternal Golden Castle Early autumn in September, ancient ambience exuding with nostalgia
Prelude No. 10 The Monkey: Hengchun, Pingtung Brisk autumn in Oct., downslope winds whistling at hillsides
Prelude No. 11 Tirosen: Mt. Hohuan, Chiayi Early winter in November, tens of hundreds of mountains towering with magnificence
Prelude No. 12 Ilha Formosa: Beautiful island in December, marveling at the everlasting grace and grandeur of Taiwan| 2011
聲樂曲 Vocal Music
無情的美婦(陳之藩 詩)The Heartless Beauty | 1991
旅人的夢(鄭愁予 詩)The Dream of a Traveler | 1992【1993年獲得文建會創作獎】
夢土上(鄭愁予 詩)On the Dreamland | 1992【1993年獲得文建會創作獎】
是誰在跟我說話-為次女高音男中音(男高音)打擊與鋼琴 Who is talking to me? For Mezzo Soprano, Baritone (or Tenor), Percussion and Piano | 2003
胡適白話詩三首-選自 嘗試集)為男高音與鋼琴Three Little Vernacular Chinese Poems by Hu Shi(from An album of attempt)-for Tenor and Piano | 2004
三首福佬系民謠-女高音與大提琴Three Fu-Lao Folk Tunes Duet for Soprano and Cello
Chamber Music of Taiwan series | 2006
搖子歌-台語(向陽 詩)
梳子(陳義芝 詩)
五月節-台語(路寒袖 詩)
阿媽的白頭鬃--台語(路寒袖 詩)
Four Chinese Art Songs
the Dragon Boat Festival
4.Grand mom’s White Hair | 2008 【中華民國聲樂協會委託創作】
1. 哇哇哇!
2. 烏面祖師公
3. 夜精靈
Taiwanese Nursery Rhymes
1. Wah Wah Wah!
2. The Black-Faced Patron Saint
3. Fairy in the Night | 2009 【韓國首爾國際歌曲節】
彎彎月娘(陳昭誠 詩)The Cradling Moon | 2012
春分(向陽 詩)Spring Equinox | 2012
愛酒(路寒袖 詩)Vinous Love | 2012
說得比唱得好聽-人聲,預製鋼琴及MAX/MSP(陳昭誠 詩)It’s Prettier Said than Sung for Voice, Prepared Piano and Max/MSP | 2018
合唱曲 Chorus
胡適白話詩三首(選自 嘗試集)-為獨唱與混聲合唱團 Three Contemporary Poems by Hu Shi-(from嘗試集)for Soloists and Chorus | 1995
我心讚美上帝-為混聲合唱團(獨唱)與鋼琴(含大提琴助奏)Praise, my soul, the king of heaven-for Mixed Chorus (Soloists) and Piano (Violoncello Obbligato)| 2005 【台中聖樂團-2005委託創作】
大悲咒 交響詩Mahakaruna Dharani: A Symphonic Poem | 2005
1. All of me
2. Just as thought you were here | 2007
3. 夜精靈
Three Taiwanese Nursery Rhyme
Wah Wah Wah!
Candied-Haws on a Stick
3. Fairy in the Night | 2009
Three Taiwanese Poems For Soloist and Mixed Choir Chorus Music of Taiwan Series
I. The Blossom—The Series of the Post-228 Massacre Series
II. Madame Moon
III. Taiwanese Flowers | 2009
Three Pieces from Taiwanese Aborigines Mixed Choir
Chapter One: The Song of Joy (Paiwan)
Chapter Two: Pasibutbut (the Harvest of Millet, Bunun)
Chapter Three: The Rite for the Harvest (Ita Thaw)| 2011
跨領域數位影音作品 Digital Music
雨滴的聯想-三首為電子音樂與影像互動 Association with Raindrops, Three Pieces of Electronic Music and Interactive Images | 2005
「面向」為表演與影像互動 Dimensions-for Performance and Interactive Image | 2006
喧騰一時-為中西打擊樂團與影像互動的虛擬音樂劇場 The Hour of Boisterousness Image-Interactive Virtual Musical Theater For Chinese and Western Percussion | 2008 【連雅文打擊樂團2008委託創作】
台灣民間傳奇音樂劇場系列 白賊七仔傳奇-為獨舞者、小提琴、鋼琴、打擊與影音互動 The Series of Taiwanese Folklores: Musical Theater The Folklores of the Fibber For a Solo Dancer, Violin, Piano, Percussion, and Audio-Visual Interaction | 2008
聲東擊西 台灣倪仔歌系列 影像互動虛擬音樂劇場-為人聲、預製鋼琴(含擴音與效果器)與打擊樂四重奏 Feint-and-Parry Misdirect Taiwanese Nursery Rhyme Series Image-Interactive Virtual Musical Theater for Vocal, Prepared Piano with Amplified Effect and Percussion Quartet | 2009【E1002委託創作 財團法人 國家文化藝術基金會贊助】
改編 Arrangement
搖嬰仔歌-為小提琴與絃樂團Silver Grass, For Violin Solo and String Orchestra | 1998
感恩的心-為人聲與豎琴 A grateful Heart, for Vocal and Harp | 1998
補破網-為小提琴與絃樂團Lullaby, for Violin Solo and String Orchestra | 2002
菅芒花-為小提琴獨奏與管絃樂團Silver Grass, for Violin Solo and Orchestra | 2002
月夜愁-為女聲獨唱與混聲合唱團Sorrow of a Moonlit Night, For Soprano/ Mezzo Solo and Mixed Chorus | 2004
白鷺鷥-為混聲合唱團 The Egret, For Mixed Chorus | 2004
搖荖搖-為女聲,男聲獨唱與混聲合唱團 The Lullaby, For Soprano Solo and Mixed Chorus | 2004
補破網-女聲獨唱與混聲合唱團 Mending the Broken Fishnet, for Soprano/Mezzo Soprano solo and Mixed Chorus | 2004
春花望露-為小提琴與鋼琴 Flowers Longing for Dew Drops, for Violin Solo and Piano | 2004
六月茉莉-為小提琴與鋼琴 The Jasmine of June, for Violin Solo and Piano | 2004
六月茉莉-為小提琴獨奏與絃樂團The Jasmine of June, for Violin Solo and Strings | 2004
六月茉莉-為小提琴與鋼琴 The Jasmine of June, for Violin Solo and Piano | 2004
我愛你Ich liebe dich | 2005
靠近你 Close to You | 2005
乘著歌聲翅膀 Auf Flugeln des Gesanges, for Strings | 2005
月夜愁-為小提琴與絃樂團Sorrow of a Moonlit Night, for Violin Solo and Strings | 2006
鑼聲若響-為大提琴與鋼琴As the Gong Sounds, for Violin, Violoncello and Piano | 2006
六月茉莉-管絃樂篇The Jasmine of June | 2006
孤戀花-為小提琴與絃樂團The Flower of One-Way Love, for Violin Solo and Strings | 2006
月夜愁-為小提琴與鋼琴 Sorrow of a Moon Night -For Violin Solo and Piano | 2006
春花望露-為小提琴與絃樂團Flowers Longing for Dew Drops, for Violin Solo and Strings | 2006
菅芒花-為小提琴獨奏與絃樂團Silver Grass, For Violin Solo and String Orchestra | 2006
六月茉莉-為小提琴獨奏與管絃樂團The Jasmine of June, for Solo Violin and Orchestra | 2006
孤戀花-為小提琴與鋼琴 The Flower of One-Way Love, for Violin Solo and Piano | 2006